Eric Kim, MS

Eric Kim Headshot

About Me

Hello, my name is Eric Kim!

I am a back-end machine learning engineer on the Advanced Technologies Group at Pinterest. I wear many hats in this role, and have worked on: object detection, DNN serving infrastructure, graph neural network infrastructure, C++ build systems, big-data pipelines (mainly Spark).

In 2016, I completed my MS in computer science at UCLA, where I focused in computer vision and machine learning. In 2011, I graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in computer science.

My interests are: computer vision, machine learning, teaching, and the intersection of computer science and music.

I developed a novel face verification system within a multilinear framework for my MS thesis. (Link to PDF coming soon)

Here is a recent copy of my CV and resume (Updated February 2022).



  • August 2020
    • Moved to Orange, CA!
  • January 2017
    • Accepted a software engineer position at Pinterest!
  • June 2016
    • Completed my MS at UCLA!
  • Aug. 13th, 2013
    • I went to EVT/WOTE 2013 at Washington DC, and gave a talk about the OpenCount system, titled: "Improved Support for Machine-Assisted Ballot-Level Audits".
  • Feb. 28th, 2013
    • OpenCount Poster created and presented at NIST Future of Voting Systems Symposium! Poster PDF
  • Jan. 9th, 2013



  • July 2012, "Saving throw: securing democracy with stats, spreadsheets, and 10-sided dice." (Link)
    • A neat Ars-Technica news article highlighting the research work that our group and Professor Philip Stark is doing with the OpenCount project.


  • E-mail
    • eric (DOT) kim (DOT) cs (AT) gmail (DOT) com